If you are interested in applying for a Google Summer of Code grant to work for Carbon Footprint for Google Maps, please follow Google's instructions, choosing Computer Science and Engineering at TU-Wien as your mentoring organization and writing your proposal according to TU-Wien's template.
In your proposal, please elaborate one of Carbon Footprint for Google Maps' suggested ideas or feel free to suggest your own ideas. We highly encourage you to contact us while you are preparing your application, but please also keep in mind that we have a limited capacity to answer students' questions.
Candidates and their proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- candidate's proficiency in Javascript, HTML, CSS... (This is the main criterium!)
- candidate's understanding of how to implement browser extensions.
- candidate's familiarity with environmental issues.
- proposal's likelihood to be successfully implemented during the timeframe of GSoC.
The best way to demonstrate that you are the right candidate is by doing one or more of the following:
- send samples of code you have produced in the past (especially in JavaScript).
- fork the repository, and make pull requests of any contributions you might have. We suggest that you try to fix some of the current issues that we have especially labeled as puzzles for GSoC. Contact us before you start.
Please write about this in your application.
Good luck!