Privateer Gemini Gold - Updated for Modern releases of the Vegastrike engine. It is not intended to build/release engine binaries at this time, this repository exists so that the community can benefit from access to the Privateer Gemini Gold content updated to run on modern systems.
Initial data has been imported - Game loads and runs. Run the game with either ./ or ./bin/vegastrike -d. Work is focusing on porting the game scripts from Python 2.7 to Python 3. Some scripts are being replaced with Python 3 variants from the Vegastrike assets repository. The game can load and run but should be considered unstable at this point.
- Checkout the git repository with git clone
- Checkout the code from: build it and then place the binaries into Privateer_Gold/bin run the game from the Privateer_Gold folder with ./bin/vegastrike -d.