- Steps:
- Read the API guide so you own how the submission process looks like for competitors
- Create a migration for your problem in /api/migrations examples can be seen there
- Create a problem statement for it in /admin/statements/<code_name>.md
- Create a problem support program
- Contact @barna to add the support to the rust code
- Determines test count and samples
- Generates test inputs
- Verifies test outputs
Can be a rust service in the backend or an external microservice.
- Authorization: X-Api-Key header, and we will agree on a long string value for this
- Uuid - String UUID
- Option - Some type that is nullable
- i64 - 64 bit integer
- i32 - 32 bit integer
- usize - 64 bit unsigned integer
- JsonValue - Embeded json
struct SubmissionTest {
id: Uuid, // Id of the test
submission_id: Uuid, // which submission does this test belong to
class: String, // Test class- defined and used by support software
input: String, // Input json as a string
output: Option<String>, // Output json if any
correct: Option<bool>, // null if test is in progress, otherwise indicates the correctness of the test
started_at: String, // The UTC ISO iso date time as a string
finished_at: Option<String>, // The UTC ISO iso date time as a string, null if in progress
struct SubmissionGenerationPayload {
seed: i64,
sample_index: Option<i32>,
struct SubmissionGenerationResult {
test_count: i32,
struct SubmissionTestGenerationPayload {
seed: i64,
test_index: usize,
sample_index: Option<i32>,
struct SubmissionTestGenerationResult {
input: JsonValue,
test_class: String,
struct VerificationPayload {
test: SubmissionTest,
output: JsonValue,
struct VerificationResult {
correct: bool,
interface ProblemSupport {
fn generate_submission_details(payload: SubmissionGenerationPayload) -> SubmissionGenerationResult;
fn generate_submission_test_input(payload: SubmissionTestGenerationPayload) -> SubmissionTestGenerationResult;
fn verify_output(payload: VerificationPayload) -> VerificationResult;
- Implement these functions as separate api endpoints, all of them have to use POST methods
- Tell me the routes for these endpoints, all input data is sent as a json, output is required to have the exact schema we expect