Releases: GitTools/GitVersion
As part of this release we had 13 commits which resulted in 3 issues being closed.
- #2182 UpdateAssemblyInfo target should not be run for SDK-style projects
- #2179 feat: accept a fallback value in all formatted expressions
- #2186 Bump Microsoft.Build.Framework from 16.4.0 to 16.5.0
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
d406fa3b1e289c0621ae70408a6254b6eeac9d1658c85cef6f1704da9a544c0c - gitversion-linux-5.2.4.tar.gz
a06ae6cf8062a2b26b858feab01fceb94951627cc732f7422472785ff3ccde4c - gitversion-osx-5.2.4.tar.gz
9f035a3a652f531696b1b254979303a564ebb46839fe66a91e4d75646f804437 - gitversion-windows-5.2.4.tar.gz
As part of this release we had 7 commits which resulted in 3 issues being closed.
- #2177 GitVersionTask should not have a package dependency on Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies
- #2175 [Bug] Parse Bitbucket 7 pull request merge message
- #2167 UpdateAssemblyInfo and GenerateGitVersionInformation need to be done earlier
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
a20b6ac804cc067f29f82e680bf0aadb9ec7b981b33192110f84b0cc63616f7f - gitversion-linux-5.2.3.tar.gz
0db9f1796ab34a1e48fcac7a179d689282b6d43292103c4e1c6473d0672ea150 - gitversion-osx-5.2.3.tar.gz
6401e20a134306a8671fac93fd1bdcb6ffa7cc918eda4a2694e2ab75b73fc439 - gitversion-windows-5.2.3.tar.gz
As part of this release we had 5 commits which resulted in 2 issues being closed.
- #2162 Version 5.2.0 broken in Azure DevOps
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
10ab831aebe5ee9289c92a1376a3d8c2b1fe3b36ba1a8283e7263de4dd472779 - gitversion-linux-5.2.2.tar.gz
c13544fd8ae8809887848e29c140450d620896390c037dcb4e838baba5997e46 - gitversion-osx-5.2.2.tar.gz
3462267de3932c809550a7301c9ea4246291403862a11ee2be13570583d72bd7 - gitversion-windows-5.2.2.tar.gz
As part of this release we had 13 commits which resulted in 1 issue being closed.
- #2161 GH2160: Set application exit code
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
48db1d7158e8c03c2c476a07fafe651dba94a02a0a7a45db19713b0376103642 - gitversion-linux-5.2.1.tar.gz
e1ea352269d6a7c5a8986f4eebfefa27196146106e9f18f1a4d662496f5a3454 - gitversion-osx-5.2.1.tar.gz
a5d79c7a97fa8a5f6ea058ec4df5f767c2898ba5d3c178e121e01118aa8fee3e - gitversion-windows-5.2.1.tar.gz
As part of this release we had 242 commits which resulted in 41 issues being closed.
- #2157 New Variable: EscapedBranchName
- #2128 GH-2127 - allow json and buildserver output at the same time
- #2060 add JSON Serializer
- #2153 The "WriteVersionInfoToBuildLog" task could not be loaded from the assembly
- #2116 GitHub Actions build fails with private GitHub repo and Dependabot PR
- #2101 gitversion /version prints wrong version
- #2100 /config doesn't show message when file doesn't exist
- #2089 GitVersion ignores version tag on the current commit when /nocache is specified
- #2068 Issue with .NET 4.7.2 and dependency on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
- #2029 GitVersionTask 5.1.3: Bad Dependency on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
- #2016 fix empty xml body
- #2003 Issue-2002 (wrong calculation of pre-release version)
- #1939 Commented out AssemblyVersion tags still causing GitVersion to not generate versions correctly
- #1928 Using /output buildserver does not work when /nocache declared first
- #2148 Limit the number of commits searched in tags and merge commits
- #2146 GH2139: GitVersion logging does not include newlines
- #2141 Remove obsolete config file
- #2092 Fix parallel tests execution, fix potential collisions, cache only regexes
- #2080 Formatting
- #2077 set eol to lf to avoid conflicting with editorconfig
- #2051 WIP: Feature/informationalversion
- #2017 remove usage of Newtonsoft.Json
- #2014 Replace special chars in InformationalVersion with dashes
- #2013 Change default for UseFullSemVerForNuGet to true
- #2012 Enable exporting variables across jobs on Azure Pipelines
- #2006 Change GITHUB_ACTION to GITHUB_ACTIONS when detect github actions CI.
- #1929 Exopose NoNormalize property for GitVersionTask
- #1810 Working/repo directories with named configuration throw warning
- #1702 Bugfix/fix only tracked branches parameter implementation
- #2132 Incorrect statement regarding version increment with regard to SemVer.
- #2093 Update
- #2025 Documentation enhanced concerning issue #888
- #2114 Bump Microsoft.Extensions.* from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2
- #2096 Update nuget.commandline to 5.3.0 and use icon instead of icon_url
- #2083 Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 16.4.0 to 16.5.0
- #2076 Update to latest release of GitReleaseManager
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
8dad2624bdf2be5330ae37ead9aca912322d02e49a82df17c29906a779ba6e93 gitversion-linux-5.2.0.tar.gz
5fa276054e46c21a0b0cc052ded2fc1a598979a887e6b21d17000d0915c42462 gitversion-osx-5.2.0.tar.gz
7e1509e9cbfa8e6ad6e1fde539e42ba36d69c8c4ac60726eafe3dab3c293d01c gitversion-windows-5.2.0.tar.gz
As part of this release we had 126 commits which resulted in 14 issues being closed.
- #1931 Add Github Actions BuildAgent
- #1988 AppVeyor does not update the build number (version 5.1.3-beta.1+59)
- #1944 Tagged trees and blobs cause GitVersion to crash
- #1942 gitversion init - Option 5) Branch Increment mode crashes with an InvalidOperationException
- #1873 Could not load type 'System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs'
- #1743 Fix for #1348, branch without commit take version from tag instead of branch name.
- #1964 Identical config files are reported as ambiguous
- #1936 added missing overrides
- #1929 Exopose NoNormalize property for GitVersionTask
- #1921 GetVersion target does not update RepositoryBranch nor RepositoryCommit
- #1935 (GH-1932) Convert to Wyam for Documentation
- #1924 Added Azure DevOps to the list of build platforms
- #1923 Rename azure-devops to
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
503a45fef002b771f77a74e85438e1906cc82f53548c1855c224920f259d84e6 gitversion-linux-5.1.3.tar.gz
ae885c7eaf58f8af2350c4a8b258095bd6059f606d2b3bb6d6c9420b404f8545 gitversion-osx-5.1.3.tar.gz
8779071f8c21b7433e3caaf83e3e089082e1c5a671da13455569a18ca4042c94 gitversion-windows-5.1.3.tar.gz
As part of this release we had 19 commits which resulted in 13 issues being closed.
- #1899 Change default increment strategy for release branches to None instead of Patch
- #1897 Release branch results in wrong version (default strategy is patch)
- #1896 Enable F# exe projects to use GitVersionTask
- #1885 Error running gitversion 5.1.1 with /? or --help Unhandled exception. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
- #1883 GitVersionTask 5.1.0 - Error in Azure Devops private repos: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source
- #1879 GH-1874, fix the nofetch behaviour, it was not correctly initialized
- #1876 GitVersionTask 5.1.1: object reference not set to an instance of object.
- #1875 GitVersion 5.1.1 AppVeyor: Input string was not in a correct format.
- #1874 Unexpected change in behavior causing TeamCity issue
- #1872 5.1.0 Error on Azure Devops ubuntu Agents
- #1892 on exception show stack trace
As part of this release we had 173 commits which resulted in 16 issues being closed.
- #1847 Add the xml namespace to work with MSBuild v14
- #1782 Azure Pipeline Task - default Config File path to GitVersion.yml doesn't work
- #1777 Only append /config if the user specified a configFilePath
- #1871 adds Preview suffix to VSIX task name when appropriate
- #1865 Feature/di2
- #1861 Feature/di
- #1843 Change the implementation of AzureDevops task.
- #1838 Performance improvements - profiling and simple caching
- #1794 Feature/unit tests vsix
- #1793 Fix several issues related to worktree
- #1787 Fixed entrypoint for github actions
As part of this release we had 63 issues closed.
- #1691 Allow overriding of the config file path
- #1654 Initial support of Drone
- #1599 Adding support to generate WiX version files
- #1591 Support for Team Foundation Server merge messages
- #1580 Integrate GitTool.Core code into GitVersion
- #1572 Docker naming scheme
- #1571 CentOS 7 docker based image
- #1488 Enable custom merge message formats via configuration
- #1451 Support for generic build servers, improved scripting support
- #1433 Provide a way to translate the PreReleaseLabel (alpha, beta etc) to a numeric value to avoid version collisions
- #1401 TfsTask - Add 'path' parameter
- #1378 Support for Team Foundation Server merge messages
- #1758 #1754 Allow head to move when switching branches for dynamic repositories
- #1733 Latest GitVersionTask betas (since 5.0.0-beta3-44) fail on dotnet build
- #1665 GitVersion Azure Pipelines Task fails on linux
- #1643 GitVersionTask throws logging exceptions when task is reused, causing builds to fail.
- #1635 [Bugfix] CommitsSinceVersionSource decreases upon deleting a merged Release branch
- #1610 GitVersion .Net Core (Preview) Azure DevOps task error
- #1606 GitVersion cannot find remote master or develop from inherited branch config
- #1590 [Configuration Bugfix] source-branches is overwritten even if explicitly specified in the config
- #1553 GitVersion produces incompilable code if AssemblyInformationalVersion not defined for F#
- #1550 4.0.1-beta1-53: Fails to find the LibGit2Sharp.
- #1541 Ignore version numbers in branch names that are not release branches.
- #1540 Always compute mainline version with mainline commits
- #1536 Why do version numbers in branch names change the calculated version?
- #1525 Merging from develop to feature branch causes MinorPatch to change
- #1517 VSTS GitVersion Task Icon is Missing in build
- #1446 [Bugfix] Wrong version number observed in a feature branch after a tagged develop is merged into it
- #1410 [Bugfix] GitVersion crashes if there are multiple branches containing the keyword develop and the current branch has Increment policy set to Inherit with current commit being a merge commit
- #1275 GitVersion produces version with wrong commit count (release branch with feature branches on it)
- #1183 GitVersion produces incompilable code if AssemblyInformationalVersion not defined for F#
- #1035 Incorrect mainline version being calculated
- #520 HotFix tag affecting develop
- #1724 added option to disable gitversiontask on build
- #1713 LibGit2Sharp update to 0.26.0 (2)
- #1704 Comply with the SemVer2.0 format in Metadata
- #1686 Enhance logic of getting current branch in case of drone
- #1657 SVG logo
- #1647 Add WiX define constants
- #1616 Make VSO Agent more robust
- #1605 Update GitVersionBuild.targets
- #1596 Add some tests for making a feature branch off of a release or a hotfix branch
- #1594 Added path parameter to the TfsTask
- #1593 Invalid release version after commit beetween merge release to develop
- #1584 Parallelize unit tests
- #1581 Removed GitTools.Core dependency
- #1562 GitVersion.exe is misspelled as GiVersion.exe
- #1537 Stability of MSBuild integration for future .NET Core releases
- #1487 Refactoring of merge message class
- #1473 GitVersionTask on the dotnet SDK docker image (microsoft/dotnet:2.1-sdk; Debian 9)