- @jkleinsc
- @MarshallOfSound
- @ckerr
- @robo
- @sofianguy
- @zcbenz
- @HashimotoYT
- (@MarshallOfSound) Affinity?
- This is a feature that was implemented a while ago that allows multiple browser windows
- We would like to know if any large apps use affinity mode
- TODO: Sofia to ask AFP members
- If an app is using it still, maybe they can patch it on their own
- Affinity removal is related to Sam's work on NAPI (electron/electron#18397)
- We do not want to support a process model that chromium doesn't support; chromium is constantly changing how that works and it's a pain for us to upkeep
- Postponing discussion to next week after Sofia surveys AFP apps about their affinity mode usage
- (@jkleinsc) Moving releases over to AppVeyor cloud
- Two PRs need review:
- #18343 "fix: correctly support the webkitdirectory input attr" question for Electron 5, see PR comment discussion. (Added by @ckerr)
- #18396 "Add option to conditionally disable site instance patches" -> Aiming for 6
- Verdict: Yes, approved for backport to v6
Nota Bene: If you are the requester, you are generally expected to attend the meeting. If you are unable to do so, please state your reason for requesting the backport.
- [@sofianguy] ask AFP companies if they are using affinity mode
- [@MarshallOfSound] review
- [] review electron/electron#18337
- (@MarshallOfSound) Affinity mode deprecation?