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Simone Tassi simonetassi
Computer Science MSc student at University of Bologna.

@unibo Bologna, Italy

Carlos CL cacel

Guadalajara, México

Eunhwa Jung summereuna
I believe in the power of positivity. Let's make a better world. 🍀

South Korea

Superb Bowl Frantic-Nope
“I’ll see it when I believe it.”

Mixed Parkersburg, WV 26104

José Freire Pereira essejose
Hi I work at @webbingbrasil where I am develop things like apps, websites and other stuffs
Gabriel Back GABIBACK13
Me chamo Gabriel luis Back, tenho 18 anos e atualmente estou cursando bacharelado em Engenharia de Software.

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Mike Rottina rottina
Ahhhh yes indeed, it's fun time, fun time!

@jetblueairways New Jersey

Xun zhangxun-SCU
Computer Science major, Sichuan University, like to learn new things.

四川大学 中国四川省成都市

Shannon Lockett shazzar00ni
Never-ending curiosity. I enjoy creating and developing on my pooter. You do not need to be a "manager" to be a "LEADER". - SL 💯

BlockBrain (name is in review) Australia

Mr ChanMP mrchanmp
Nothing Specials to interests me

MrCMP Inc France

LaurentDev ldevernay
Web Sustainability Consultant

Greenspector Saint-Gaudens

Yasser realyasser
Always curious to learn!

LearnMath Universe 0x12

Rosário Kimbila bonigostofofo
Desenvolvedor Web 🧑‍💻

Luanda - Angola

Sloane Ortel srvo
Mostly lurk. Chief Investment Officer at Ethical Capital.

Ethical Capital Utah

Formateur ILO Certifie Board Arab Trainer Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert (MIEE)

دار الصناعة التقليدية بالشطية ولاسة الشلف - الجزائر ALGERIA

Dominic 20essentials
If you can imagine it, you can program it ---Alejandro Taboada Sánchez
prografor prografor
professionnel programs fomation
Bio Devirsity

Personal individu Malaysia ,Sabah, Tawau

Tomas Maldonis tomasis7
Fullstack developer. HTML,CSS,JavaScript,C#,API. Currently studying at Medieinstitutet Göteborg. Looking for a job from April 2026. @hyperisland 'er

Tomas Maldonis Gothenburg

split / May nbitzz
Terrible developer

@mollersuite Psych ward

Doğu Abaris doguabaris
I am pursuing a degree in Software and Data Engineering and work with OOP PHP and Java.


Magicdove Magicdover
Practice makes perfect!
Kévin Tessier KevinTessier
Développeur Web Fullstack | Freelance

Freelance Paris


Fort Collins, CO

Waviest WaviestBalloon
Self-taught full-stack developer who lives in England

England, Great Britian

Duy Tran duytran-git
An aspiring professional in computing in construction, focusing on data analysis and BIM software development.

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Finland