Package osmapi provides an interface to the OSM v0.6 API.
node, err := osmapi.Node(ctx, 1010)
This call issues a request to
and returns a parsed osm.Node
object with all the methods attached.
func Map(context.Context, bounds *osm.Bounds) (*osm.OSM, error)
func Node(context.Context, osm.NodeID) (*osm.Node, error)
func Nodes(context.Context, []osm.NodeID) (osm.Nodes, error)
func NodeVersion(context.Context, osm.NodeID, v int) (*osm.Node, error)
func NodeHistory(context.Context, osm.NodeID) (osm.Nodes, error)
func NodeWays(context.Context, osm.NodeID) (osm.Ways, error)
func NodeRelations(context.Context, osm.NodeID) (osm.Relations, error)
func Way(context.Context, osm.WayID) (*osm.Way, error)
func Ways(context.Context, []osm.WayID) (osm.Ways, error)
func WayFull(context.Context, osm.WayID) (*osm.OSM, error)
func WayVersion(context.Context, osm.WayID, v int) (*osm.Way, error)
func WayHistory(context.Context, osm.WayID) (osm.Ways, error)
func WayRelations(context.Context, osm.WayID) (osm.Relations, error)
func Relation(context.Context, osm.RelationID) (*osm.Relation, error)
func Relations(context.Context, []osm.RelationID) (osm.Relations, error)
func RelationFull(context.Context, osm.RelationID) (*osm.OSM, error)
func RelationVersion(context.Context, osm.RelationID, v int) (*osm.Relation, error)
func RelationHistory(context.Context, osm.RelationID) (osm.Relations, error)
func RelationRelations(context.Context, osm.RelationID) (osm.Relations, error)
func Changeset(context.Context, osm.ChangesetID) (*osm.Changeset, error)
func ChangesetWithDiscussion(context.Context, osm.ChangesetID) (*osm.Changeset, error)
func ChangesetDownload(context.Context, osm.ChangesetID) (*osm.Change, error)
func Note(ctx context.Context, id osm.NoteID) (*osm.Note, error) {
func Notes(ctx context.Context, bounds *osm.Bounds, opts ...NotesOption) (osm.Notes, error)
func NotesSearch(ctx context.Context, query string, opts ...NotesOption) (osm.Notes, error)
func User(ctx context.Context, id osm.UserID) (*osm.User, error)
See the godoc reference for more details.
This package can make sure of x/time/rate.Limiter
to throttle requests to the official api. Example usage:
// 10 qps
osmapi.DefaultDatasource.Limiter = rate.NewLimiter(10, 1)