Usage: [options] [package]
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CACHE_PATH, --cache-path=CACHE_PATH
Cache path.
-i INSTALL_PATH, --install-path=INSTALL_PATH
Install path.
-v, --verbose Verbose Install?
-l, --list List packages, without installing anything.
-a, --all All packages?
-k, --clean Clean temporary files.
Optional Install modes:
Default snoing action is to install non graphically, i.e. no viewer.
This can be changed with the -g option.
-g, --graphical Graphical install?
-x, --grid Grid install (NO X11)?
Optional Actions:
Default snoing action is to install the specified package, which
defaults to rat-dev.
-q, --query Query Package Status?
-r, --remove Remove the package?
-d, --dependency Install dependencies only?
-p, --progress, --update
Progress/update the package?
Github authentication Options:
Supply a username or a github token, not both.
-u USERNAME, --username=USERNAME
Github username
-t TOKEN, --token=TOKEN
Github token