Easelife is company which sells the medical products for customers
LINK : https://primemedicare.in/
VIDEO LINK Customer : https://cdn5.f-cdn.com/files/download/168249095/PrimeMediCare%20_%20Sign%20In-costomer.mp4
VIDEO LINK ADMIN: https://cdn3.f-cdn.com/files/download/168248961/PrimeMediCare%20_%20admin.mp4
- Python 3.6+
- pip
- virtualenv
- Redis server(broker)
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Abhishek-Gawade-programmer/life-easy-shoping-website.git
# Enter into the directory
cd shopping_life_easy/
# Create virtual environment
virtualenv life_easy_env
# Activate virtual environment
source life_easy_env/bin/activate
# Install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Apply migrations.
python manage.py migrate
Create .env
file in cwd and add the following
#Stripe Payments credential
#Email Settings
#celery Settings
# Create a superuser account (follow the prompts afterwards)
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py runserver
cd redis
#redis server will start at localhost:6863
#open new terminal with same dir that project and virtualenv activated
celery -A shopping_life_easy worker -l INFO
- Javascript
- MDBootstrap snippets
- Jquery
- Django Python Web Framework
- PostgreSQL for Database
- Celery of Task and Queue
- Redis server as a broker
- Google Email API for sending Emails
- Google Oauth for signing with Google
- All products are display in cards with the available and other details
- Ihe available and rating are also added to get more details in one look
- In product details view there is
Add to cart
andRemove from cart
Buttons for quick access - Description and rating to product is also added
- In cart view the all details are display in from of table that gives quick summary
- The Checkout form is also added with online payment and COD is also added -
- All products info and details are displayed with graphs and statistic details
- All costumers is also with details
- our monthly Sales and yearly sales with graphs
- email and costumers details for shipment of their products
- email notification when admin creates a new product and verify.. etc the orders
- email to admin is user craete a new order
- report the order as a spam so that admin can delete annotating order
- verification ans authentication of users by Django Allaulth