The Tensorflow.js example uses the universal sentence encoder to train two text classification models.
- An 'intent' classifier that classifies sentences into categories representing user intent for a query.
- A token tagger, that classifies tokens within a weather releated query to identify location related tokens.
Note: These instructions use yarn
, but you can use npm run
instead if you
do not have yarn
Install dependencies
There are four npm/yarn scripts listed in package.json for preparing the training data. Each writes out one of more new files.
The two scripts needed to train the intent classifier are:
yarn raw-to-csv
: Converts the raw data into a csv formatyarn csv-to-tensors
: Converts the strings in the CSV created in step 1 into tensors.
The two scripts needed to train the token tagger are:
yarn raw-to-tagged-tokens
: Extracts tokens from sentences in the original data and tags each token with a categoryyarn tokens-to-embeddings
: embeds the tokens from the queries using the universal sentence encoder and writes out a look-up-table.
You can run all four of these commands with
yarn prep-data
You only need to do this once. This process can take 2-5 minutes on the smaller data sets and up to an hour on the full data set. The output of these scripts will be written to the training/data
To train the intent classifier model run:
yarn train-intent
To train the token tagging model run:
yarn train-tagger
Each of these scripts take multiple options, look at training/train-intent.js
and training/train-tagger.js
for details.
These scripts will output model artifacts in the training/models
You can run all two of these commands with
yarn train
Once the models are trained you can use the following command to run the demo app
yarn workshop-app
git checkout load-tensor
async function loadIntentClassifer(url) {
if (intent == null) {
intent = await tf.loadLayersModel(url);
return intent;
* Load a custom trained token tagger model.
* @param {string} name Type of model to load. Should be a key in modelUrls
async function loadTagger(name) {
if (taggers[name] == null) {
const url = modelUrls[name];
try {
taggers[name] = await tf.loadLayersModel(url);
} catch (e) {
// Could not load that model. This is not necessarily an error
// as the user may not have trained all the available model types
console.log(`Could not load "${name}" model`);
return taggers[name];
* Load a number of models to allow the browser to cache them.
async function loadTaggerModel() {
const modelLoadPromises = Object.keys(modelUrls).map(loadTagger);
return await Promise.all([loadUSE(), ...modelLoadPromises]);
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
git checkout add-intents
async function classify(sentences) {
const [use, intent, metadata] = await Promise.all(
[loadUSE(), loadIntentClassifer(DENSE_MODEL_URL), loadIntentMetadata()]);
const {
} = metadata;
const activations = await use.embed(sentences);
const prediction = intent.predict(activations);
const predsArr = await prediction.array();
const preview = [predsArr[0].slice()];
tf.dispose([activations, prediction]);
return predsArr[0];
async function getClassificationMessage(softmaxArr, inputText) {
const {
} = await loadIntentMetadata();
const max = Math.max(...softmaxArr);
const maxIndex = softmaxArr.indexOf(max);
const intentLabel = labels[maxIndex];
if (max < THRESHOLD) {
return '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯';
} else {
let response;
switch (intentLabel) {
case 'GetWeather':
response = '⛅'
case 'PlayMusic':
response = '🎵🎺🎵';
response = '?';
return response;
async function sendMessage(inputText) {
// Classify the text
const classification = await classify([inputText]);
// Add the response to the chat window
const response = await getClassificationMessage(classification, inputText);
appendMessage(response, 'bot', msgId);
git checkout add-tagging
case 'GetWeather':
const model = "bidirectional-lstm";
var location = await tagMessage(inputText, model);
response = '⛅ ' + location.trim();
* Tokenize a sentence and tag the tokens.
* @param {string} sentence sentence to tag
* @param {string} model name of model to use
* @return {Object} dictionary of tokens, model outputs and embeddings
async function tagTokens(sentence, model = 'bidirectional-lstm') {
const [use, tagger, metadata] =
await Promise.all([loadUSE(), loadTagger(model), loadMetadata(model)]);
const {
} = metadata;
let tokenized = tokenizeSentence(sentence);
if (tokenized.length > sequenceLength) {
`Input sentence has more tokens than max allowed tokens ` +
`(${sequenceLength}). Extra tokens will be dropped.`);
tokenized = tokenized.slice(0, sequenceLength);
const activations = await use.embed(tokenized);
// get prediction
const prediction = tf.tidy(() => {
// Make an input tensor of [1, sequence_len, embedding_size];
const toPad = sequenceLength - tokenized.length;
const padTensors = tf.ones([toPad, EMBEDDING_DIM]);
const padded = activations.concat(padTensors);
const batched = padded.expandDims();
return tagger.predict(batched);
// Prediction data
let predsArr = (await prediction.array())[0];
// Add padding 'tokens' to the end of the values that will be displayed
// in the UI. These are there for illustration.
if (tokenized.length < sequenceLength) {
predsArr = predsArr.slice(0, tokenized.length);
// Add an extra activation to illustrate the padding inputs in the UI.
// This is added for illustration.
const displayActivations =
tf.tidy(() => activations.concat(tf.ones([1, EMBEDDING_DIM])));
const displayActicationsArr = await displayActivations.array();
tf.dispose([activations, prediction, displayActivations]);
return {
tokenized: tokenized,
tokenScores: predsArr,
tokenEmbeddings: displayActicationsArr,
async function tagMessage(inputText, model) {
if (inputText != null && inputText.length > 0) {
const result = await tagTokens(inputText, model);
const {
} = result;
const metadata = await loadMetadata(model);
const {
} = metadata;
const location = tokenScores
.map((scores, index) => {
const maxIndex = scores.indexOf(Math.max(...scores));
if (maxIndex === 1) {
return tokenized[index]
.join('\ ')
return location;
git checkout add-weather-api
case 'GetWeather':
const model = "bidirectional-lstm";
var location = await tagMessage(inputText, model);
if (location.trim() != "") {
const weatherMessage = await getWeather(location);;
response = '⛅ ' + weatherMessage;
} else {
response = '⛅';
async function getWeatherSearch(location) {
const response = await fetch(`${location.trim()}`);
const weatherSearch = response.json();
return weatherSearch;
async function getWeather(location) {
const weatherSearch = await getWeatherSearch(location);
if (weatherSearch.length > 0) {
const weatherResponse = await fetch(`${weatherSearch[0].woeid}/`);
const weather = await weatherResponse.json()
return `The ${weather.location_type} of ${weather.title} is expecting ${weather.consolidated_weather[0].weather_state_name} today.`
} else {
return `I'm not smart enough to know weather data for ${location}`
git checkout display-tokenization
* Render the tokens
* @param {string[]} tokens the tokens
* @param {Array.number[]} tokenScores model scores for each token
* @param {Array.number[]} tokenEmbeddings token embeddings
* @param {string} model name of model
async function displayTokenization(tokens, tokenScores, tokenEmbeddings, model) {
const resultsDiv = document.createElement('div');
resultsDiv.classList = `tagging`;
resultsDiv.innerHTML = `<p class="model-type ${model}">${model}</p>`;
displayTokens(tokens, resultsDiv);
displayEmbeddingsPlot(tokenEmbeddings, resultsDiv);
displayTags(tokenScores, resultsDiv, model);
* Render the tokens.
* @param {string[]} tokens tokens to display
* @param {HTMLElement} parentEl parent element
function displayTokens(tokens, parentEl) {
const tokensDiv = document.createElement('div');
tokensDiv.classList = `tokens`;
tokensDiv.innerHTML = => `<div class="token">${token}</div>`).join('\n');
const embeddingCol =
d3.scaleSequential(d3.interpolateSpectral).domain([-0.075, 0.075]);
* Display an illustrative representation of the embeddings values
* @param {*} embeddings
* @param {*} parentEl
function displayEmbeddingsPlot(embeddings, parentEl) {
const embeddingDiv = document.createElement('div');
embeddingDiv.classList = `embeddings`;
embeddingDiv.innerHTML =
.map(embedding => {
// Note that this slice is arbitraty as the plot is only meant to
// be illustrative.
const embeddingValDivs = embedding.slice(0, 340).map(val => {
return `<div class="embVal" ` +
`style="background-color:${embeddingCol(val)} "` +
`title="${val}"` +
return `<div class="embedding">` +
* @param {*} tokenScores
* @param {*} parentEl
* @param {*} modelName
async function displayTags(tokenScores, parentEl, modelName) {
const metadata = await loadMetadata(modelName);
const {
} = metadata;
let location = "";
const tagsDiv = document.createElement('div');
tagsDiv.classList = `tags`;
tagsDiv.innerHTML =
.map((scores, index) => {
const maxIndex = scores.indexOf(Math.max(...scores));
const token = labels[maxIndex];
const tokenScore = (scores[maxIndex] * 100).toPrecision(3);
return `<div class="tag ${token}">` +
` ${token.replace(/__/g, '')}<sup>` +
if (location != "") {
appendMessage(location, 'bot', messageId - 1);
async function tagMessage(inputText, model) {
displayTokenization(tokenized, tokenScores, tokenEmbeddings, model);
return location;
git checkout add-speech-synthesis
function speak(message) {
let utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
utterance.text = message;
utterance.rate = 5;
utterance.pitch = 2;
utterance.lang = "en-GB";
case 'GetWeather':
const model = "bidirectional-lstm";
var location = await tagMessage(inputText, model);
if (location.trim() != "") {
const weatherMessage = await getWeather(location);;
response = '⛅ ' + weatherMessage;
} else {
response = '⛅';
git checkout add-speech-recognition
function ask() {
var SpeechRecognition = SpeechRecognition || webkitSpeechRecognition;
var recognition = new SpeechRecognition();
recognition.lang = "en-US";
recognition.interimResults = false;
recognition.addEventListener('result', (e) => {
let last = e.results.length - 1;
let text = e.results[last][0].transcript;
function setupListeners() {
speech.addEventListener('click', ask, false);