This is the Docker Installation of ChurchCRM. This image is the latest release ChurchCRM for Docker. It is installed on Alpine Linux, Apache, PHP7 & is using MariaDB in a separate Alpine container.
To use, first change your desired database info and passwords in the .env
file. (Download that file from the main ChurchCRM/Docker repository directory)
Once complete, Start ChurchCRM in Docker by using the Docker RUN command from the directory that your .env
file resides or by building and starting with docker-compose.
For example, you can start MariaDB first with the following command. Make sure to change the passwords in the .env
file first.
docker run --name database --env-file .env -d jaskipper/alpine-mariadb
Then start the ChurchCRM container:
docker run --name churchcrm -p 80:80 --link database --env-file .env -d churchcrm/crm
Visit your website and you will be up and running. Log in with the default username admin
and password changeme
and then change your admin password on the next screen.
To build and run with Docker-Compose, you must have all of the files in the Github repo. Download the Github Docker repository and run docker-compose build
and docker-compose up
from the project folder. Be SURE to Change Passwords in the .env file before starting your container.
It is recommended that you use the .env file to add your passwords, but you may also add those ENV's with the -e flag with docker run -e ...
This variable defines the host in order for ChurchCRM to be able to connect to the database.
-e MYSQL_DB_HOST=database *(This is default and recommended to stay that way unless you know what you are doing)*
This variable defines the password for the root user in the database, set it with
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secretpassword
add quotes if there is spaces or other special character in the password
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD='password with spaces'
This variable generate a random password for the root user, add
the password can then be found by looking at the logoutput
docker logs <container>
This allows the root password to be blank, THIS IS A MAJOR SECURITY RISK, add
Normal the root user can only use localhost to access the databases adding
allows root access from any host
creates a database with the defined name
-e MYSQL_DATABASE=databasename
creates a user with password defined with MYSQL_PASSWORD and full access to the database defined by MYSQL_DATABASE
-e MYSQL_USER=username
The password for the user defined by MYSQL_USER
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=donottell
To come...
To come...