Releases: CombineCommunity/Feedbacks
Releases · CombineCommunity/Feedbacks
This release focuses on the replacement of the CurrentValueSubject by a ReplaySubject in the system stream. It allows to handle the reentrancy issue without having to force the subscription on the system scheduler.
It is also now possible to execute the Transitions on a dedicated Scheduler.
This release brings:
- Feedback: introduce the "on:" keyword to explicitly declare the type of state that concerns the side effect
- Feedback: replace the parameter "sideEffect" by "perform" to have a nice readable sentence: ...(on: Loading.self, ..., perform: sideEffect)
- State Machine: introduce a new DSL based on From/On that allows to group transitions from the same state type
- State Machine: provide assert functions to ease the unit tests of transitions
This release focuses on:
- Declarative syntax for System, based on: InitialState, Feedbacks, Transitions
- Side effects factories to ease the dependency injection for Feedbacks
- Usage in a UI context thanks to UISystem
- Communication between Systems with a Mediator
- Provide example applications
- Make a great README (thanks @RyeGordo)
- Add some community assets (PR template, Code of conduct, ...)