WebdriverIO service for testing Electron applications
Enables cross-platform E2E testing of electron apps via the extensive WebdriverIO ecosystem. Adds electron-specific browser capabilities and handles chromedriver execution.
Spiritual successor to Spectron (RIP).
npm i -D wdio-electron-service
Or use your package manager of choice - yarn, pnpm, etc.
You will need to install WebdriverIO
, instructions can be found here.
needs chromedriver to work. The chromedriver version needs to be appropriate for the version of electron that your app was built with, so it is recommended to install it via electron-chromedriver
as their versioning directly tracks electron releases. For example:
npm i -D electron-chromedriver@18
The above command installs electron-chromedriver
v18 which installs the chromedriver version that will work with an app built using electron 18.
Alternatively you can install chromedriver directly or via some other means, in this case you will need to specify the chromedriverCustomPath
npm i -D chromedriver@100 # for Electron 18 apps
npm i -D chromedriver@96 # for Electron 16 apps
chromedriver: {
port: 9519,
logFileName: 'wdio-chromedriver.log',
chromedriverCustomPath: require.resolve('chromedriver/bin/chromedriver') // resolves to chromedriver binary
To use the service you need to add electron
to your services array, followed by a configuration object:
// wdio.conf.js
const { join } = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./package.json'));
const {
build: { productName },
} = packageJson;
const config = {
outputDir: 'all-logs',
// ...
services: [
appPath: join(__dirname, 'dist'),
appName: productName,
appArgs: ['foo', 'bar=baz'],
chromedriver: {
port: 9519,
logFileName: 'wdio-chromedriver.log',
// ...
module.exports = { config };
If you wish to use the electron APIs then you will need to import the preload and main scripts. At the top of your preload:
import 'wdio-electron-service/preload';
And at the top of your main index file (app entry point):
import 'wdio-electron-service/main';
The APIs should now be available in tests. Currently available APIs: app
, mainProcess
, browserWindow
const appName = await browser.electronApp('getName');
You can also implement a custom API if you wish. To do this you will need to define a handler in your main process:
import { ipcMain } from 'electron';
ipcMain.handle('wdio-electron', () => {
// access some Electron or Node things on the main process
return 'such api';
The custom API can then be called in a spec file:
const someValue = await browser.electronAPI('wow'); // default
const someValue = await browser.myCustomAPI('wow'); // configured using `customApiBrowserCommand`
See wdio-electron-service-example for an example of "real-world" usage in testing a minimal electron app.
The path to the built app for testing. In a typical electron project this will be where electron-builder
is configured to output, e.g. dist
by default. Required to be used with appName
as both are needed in order to generate a path to the electron binary.
The name of the built app for testing. Required to be used with appPath
as both are needed in order to generate a path to the Electron binary.
It needs to match the name of the install directory used by electron-builder
; this value is derived from your electron-builder
configuration and will be either the name
property (from package.json
) or the productName
property (from electron-builder
config). You can find more information regarding this in the electron-builder
The path to the electron binary of the app for testing. The path generated by using appPath
and appName
is tied to electron-builder
output, if you are implementing something custom then you can use this.
An array of string arguments to be passed through to the app on execution of the test run.
The browser command used to access the custom electron API.
This service wraps the wdio-chromedriver-service
, you can configure the following options which will be passed through to that service:
The port on which chromedriver should run.
The path on which chromedriver should run.
The protocol chromedriver should use.
The hostname chromedriver should use.
default defined by config.outputDir
The path where the output log of the chromedriver server should be stored. If not specified, the WDIO outputDir
config property is used and chromedriver logs are written to the same directory as the WDIO logs.
The name of the output log file to be written in the outputDir
The path of the chromedriver binary to be executed. If not specified, the service will look for the electron-chromedriver