Library created to make my scripts faster.
This library is a better way for me to make scripts. It's not just 'another JustGod lib' it's an updated and reworked system regrouping all my previous utility projects.
You can use it if you want but no support will be provided.
Before starting your server, make sure you have the webpack and yarn resources. (UP TO DATE !)
In your fxmanifest.lua:
shared_script '@lib/imports.lua'
Moove or copy the convars.cfg file to the root of your server where resources folder is located.
In your server.cfg:
exec convars.cfg
ensure lib
In this version, the discord-js implementation has been removed, as FiveM NodeJS is no longer compatible with it. I will update it with an API to API system, please be patient.
--SERVER'my_event_name', function(source, response, ...)
console.log( source .. ' is sending event callback with args', ...);
response('Server succefully received event callback');
--CLIENT'my_event_name', function(server_message)
print('Server response is ' .. server_message);
end, 'arg', 'arg1', 'arg2', 1, 2, 3, 4, { "array?", "table?", "lua is good" });
Feel free to send pull request or issues to help me in my work :)
Documentation can be found here: Visit the documentation