This repo contains the code for TheGameBot, a Discord bot that offers both multiplayer and single player games.
Currently very much a WIP and not yet fully developed.
To add this bot to your server do one of the following:
Download the files of this repo.
Create your own Discord Bot Token on the Discord Developer Portal and modify to include it.
Create a virtual enviornment and install the necessary libraries with the following.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
In Discord Developer Portal find the setting
OAuth2 -> URL Generator
Give the link Administrator privileges then open it.
Run your whenever the bot is desired.
- Have the Discord Server's Administrator open the following link add link here then add it to the server (requires to give it Administrator rights)**
**Will only work if I am hosting, which no guarentees I will be hosting indefinitely
Once added to your server you must mention
the bot with the @ symbol in your server or private messages.
It will respond with instructions of how to select a game. You will have 10 seconds to give it the game id. From there the bot will instruct you how to play the respective game.
- Wordle
- CodeNames*
- TicTacToe*
- BlackJack*
*Coming Soon
For support open an issue on this repo.