Nano_Vue2 aims to further understand the inner workings of Vue2
- global API:
- NanoVue.mixin
- NanoVue.component
- NanoVue.extend
- options / Data:
- data
- watch
- computed
- methods
- options / DOM:
- el
- template
- render
- options / Lifecycle Hook:
- beforeMount
- mounted (only root instance)
- instance property:
- $data
- $options
- $el
- instance method / data:
- $watch
- $set
- instance method / lifecycle:
- instance.$mount
- instance.$nextTick
- directives:
- v-for
- v-if
- v-on
HTML String
Abstract Struct Tree
Render Function
Virtual DOM
Reactive = Observer pattern + Object.defineProperty
Observer pattern = Watcher(Observer) + Dep(observale object)
- WeChat:ys5-14
- Email: [email protected]