- Ability to not only browse OctoPrint's local files, but files on SD cards as well
- Added alternating background color to list items in the file browser. The alternating background color makes it easier to distinguish one row form another.
- List items with alternating background color
- Filenames are now truncated with the "..." at the end instead of the middle.
- When present, a thumbnail image of the model is now displayed.
- Users can now tap anywhere in the row to select it.
- Confirmation modal dialog boxes now have a white border, making it clearer to see.
- Added the filename to the print confirmation dialog box. I should point out that for now, this dialog box uses the GTK's standard confirmation dialog box and only displays the name in the contents. I looked into displaying the thumbnail as well, but the standard confirmation dialog box in GTK isn't very customizable, and I would need to recreate the entire window. I haven't ruled it out, but for the moment I'm sticking with using GTK's standard/built-in confirmation dialog box.
- Added support for multi-extruder/single nozzle systems (like the Prusa MMU). The Filament panel now has a toggle control to toggle between extruders.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug which caused OctoScreen to crash if the printer wasn't on.
- Fixed a bug pertaining to the default filament extrude length and default load length. When set to a long length, this would sometimes cause the application to crash on machines with direct drive extruders. I fixed a few things in this area, and I set the default length to 100mm. If you have a bowden extruder, or you want to change the length to a different value, you can customize this and set the length if you have the plug-in installed.
- Fixed a bug with the load/unload g-code being incorrect. For load, unload, extrude, and retract, OctoPrint's extrude command is now used for each of these actions.
- @thebelne - Fixed a bug where the log level was always defaulting to Debug
- @thebelne - Fixed a bug where, when a watchdog event wasn't given enough time to complete the app would crash.
- @thebelne - Added ability to enter a space in the Network Connection panel
- @thebelne - Fixed a bug pertaining to custom control with a confirmation not working
- @thebelne - Fixed a bug pertaining to custom control with multiple commands not working
- Added more logging.
- Break up the Monolith! Broke up several large files in mcuadros/go-octoprint (like common.go (871 lines), and printer.go (490 lines)) into smaller individual files.
- Hard fork of the mcuadros/go-octoprint code into octoprintApis and octoprintApis/dataModels. There were so many changes, it didn't make sense to keep it in the original repository.
- Moved logger into it's own folder/package. This isolated logger from other files in utils, and means it doesn't have any other dependencies, allowing it to be used in every package.
To Install On a New System
- To install on a new system, perform the steps listed at https://github.com/Z-Bolt/OctoScreen
To Update An Existing installation
- Run the following commands:
- wget https://github.com/Z-Bolt/OctoScreen/releases/download/v2.7.0/octoscreen_2.7.0_armhf.deb
- sudo dpkg -r octoscreen
- sudo dpkg -i octoscreen_2.7.0_armhf.deb
- sudo reboot now