Note: I'll fix any issues found here by Pull Request, and keep this package here, but it is not being actively developed. There is a full Proj4JS PHP port here - packagist - with some great composer-based features, that is derived from proj4JS. I am also experimenting with some alternative approaches here that will hopefully feed into proj4php. This package was started when proj4JS was a lot newer and less complete. Both that and proj4php have kept moving forward and surpassed it in support for a larger range of projections.
I just wanted some simple conversions and transforms, and ended up with this. I must be a masachist.
Proj4JS has split out the MGRS handling to a separate module, possibly due to licensing issues. It is included in this library for the time-being, but has had a substantial refactor and rewrite from the original.
The main Mgrs classes have a mix of static methods that return new objects (Mgrs, LatLong, Square, Utm objects) and methods that operate on the current object. I intend to make it a little clearer which method does what. It has just inherited much of this from the JavaScript library, and partly from my learning curve in how the JavaScript library works.
namespace: Academe\Proj4Php\Mgrs
The LatLong and Square classes implement minimal interfaces to support the UTM and MGRS classes as a standalone module (nothing in Academe\Proj4Php\Mgrs depends on anything else). This may change, depending on whether Mgrs is split off into a separate library, or coupled more tightly with the other coordinate classes on the main Proj4Php library. It will probably depend on inherited licenses.
The LatLong class holds a latitude and longitude.
$latitude = 53.0;
$longitude = -5.5;
$lat_long = new LatLong($latitude, $longitude);
$lat_long = new LatLong(array($latitude, $longitude));
The Square class holds two LatLong classes to mark the opposite corners of the bounding box.
$square = new Square($lat_long_bottom_left, $lat_long_top_right);
The Utm class holds a UTM coordinate.
// From base UTM values.
$utm = new Utm($northing, $easting, $zone_number, $zone_letter);
// From latitude/longitude coordinates (WGS84 ellipsoid).
$utm = Utm::fromLatLong($latitude, $longitude);
$utm = Utm::fromLatLong($lat_long);
// Back to lat/long.
$lat_long = $utm->toLatLong();
// To a UTM grid reference string.
$grid_reference = $utm->toGridReference(); // '39L 198447 8893330'
$grid_reference = (string)$utm;
$grid_reference = $utm->toGridReference('%z$l%EE%NN'); // '39L0198447E8893330N'
The UTM grid reference formatting fields are:
- %z Zone number
- %l Zone letter
- %h Hemisphere letter (N or S)
- %e Easting
- %n Northing
- %E Easting left-padded to 7 digits
- %N Northing left-padded to 7 digits
The Mgrs class extends Utm with its set of reference conversion methods.
// Create from base UTM values.
$mgrs = new Mgrs($northing, $easting, $zone_number, $zone_letter);
// From lat/long (same as for Utm)
$mgrs = Mgrs::fromLatLong($latitude, $longitude);
$mgrs = Mgrs::fromLatLong($lat_long);
// From a MGRS grid reference.
// The accuracy of the reference is noted and stored with the reference.
$mgrs = Mgrs::fromGridReference($mgrs_grid_reference);
// To a MGRS grid reference string.
// Template is optional, defaulting to '%z%l%k%e%n'.
// The accuracy is optional 0 to 5, defaulting to 5.
$grid_reference = $mgrs->toGridReference($template, $accuracy);
// To a single lat/long coordinate in the *centre* of the square according to
// teh accuracy, to one metre.
// $accuracy is optional, and defaults to the accuracy of the current coordinate.
$lat_long = $mgrs->toPoint($accuracy);
// The bottom left coordinate, disregarding the accuracy (like toPoint with the
// maximum accuracy of 5).
$lat_long = $mgrs->toLatLong();
// To a Square region.
// The accuracy is optional 0 to 5, defaulting to 5.
$square = $mgrs->toSquare($accuracy);
The MGRS grid reference formatting fields are:
- %z Zone number
- %l Zone letter
- %k 100km zone ID (two letters)
- %e Easting, to the current accuracy
- %n Northing, to the current accuracy
Instantiating a Utm, Mgrs, LatLong or Square class always requires a valid coordiate in some form.
Description of the UTM/MGRS grid systems -
Good converter site for testing against -
MGRS grid reference format definition and examples. -
Great description of how the UTM grid reference works, including the polar regions. Has an emphasis on how the system is used my map readers and users.