Modifies the detail form of GridFields to use more user-friendly actions, including:
- Save and add another: Create a record, and go right to adding another one, without having to click the back button, and then add again.
- Save and close: Save the record and go back to list view
- User-friendly delete: Extracted from the tray of constructive actions and moved away so is less likely to be clicked accidentally. Includes inline confirmation of action instead of browser alert box.
- Cancel: Same as the back button, but in a more convenient location
- Previous/Next record: Navigate to the previous or next record in the list without returning to list view
- Frontend Links: If your DataObject has a Link() method, get links to the draft site and published site to view the record in context in a single click
- Versioning: Save, Save & Publish, Rollback, Unpublish
- Configurable UI: Add buttons to the top (utilities) or bottom (actions).
- Disambiguated tabs: In model admin, the top tabs toggle between the models. On the detail view, they toggle between the groups of fields, creating a confusing user exierience. Better Buttons groups the fields as they are in CMSMain, using a tabset within the main editing area.
SilverStripe 3.0 or higher
Preferences for which buttons should appear where will vary from user to user. BetterButtons comes with a default set of button collections for the "create" and "edit" views in a GridField detail form, but these can be easily overridden in a config.yml file.
The default configuration:
Button_PrevNext: true
Button_New: true
Button_Save: true
Button_SaveAndClose: true
Button_Save: true
Button_SaveAndClose: true
Button_Delete: true
Button_FrontendLinks: true
Button_SaveDraft: true
Button_Publish: true
Button_SaveDraft: true
Button_Publish: true
Group_Versioning: true
Button_FrontendLinks: true
Button_Delete: true
Button_FrontendLinks: true
label: Save and...
Button_SaveAndAdd: true
Button_SaveAndClose: true
Button_SaveAndNext: true
Button_SaveAndPrev: true
label: Versioning...
Button_Rollback: true
Button_Unpublish: true
Each button type is assigned a symbol in the YAML definition. It can be placed anywhere any number of times. Further, it can be placed in a named group, provided that group has been defined in the BetterButtonsGroups node. A button group is a single button with a label that exposes a series of options on click.
Because of the idiosyncracies of the Config layer merging arrays, the buttons must be defined as on or off (true or false). To remove a button from the default configuration, you must explicitly set it to false in your project configuration. Here is an example custom configuration.
Button_Save: false
Group_SaveAnd: false
Group_MyGroup: true
label: This is a group
Button_Save: true
Button_SaveAndNext: true
When creating groups, be sure not to duplicate any buttons that are outside the group, as form fields with the same name cannot appear twice in a form.