MetaForge V0.4.0
Update 2023-11-05
Support latest:21 node version
Removed parser (maybe temporary)
TypeScript .d.ts support
Schema field with multiple type variants now works only with special type
Modular mechanism (internal rework): How it works
const schema = new Schema(); schema.register((schema, options, plan) => {}); //? Register new module
By default registrated modules are:
- Metatest module (Adds tests for prototypes)
- Metatype module (Typescript parser)
- Handyman (Quality of life module)
But you also remove default modules:
New shorthands for:
- enum example:
['winter', 'spring', 'summer, 'autumn']
- tuple example:
['string', 'number']
- object example:
{ a: string, b: number }
- string example:
- schema example:
- schema#2 example:
new Schema('string')
- enum example:
Removed preprocessor mechanism
Schemas now can be part of plan
Performance improvements (by removing unnecessary modules)
Lightweight inheritance
Removed type JSON (temporary)
Prototype chaining
Partial testing
New prototypes:
- Tuple
- Record
- Schema
- Union