A Blockchain-based cryptocurrency repository. This blockchain is based off the proof of work consensus mechanism.
Problem description: https://hackmd.io/NxHl20-RTuGg7RxMol22Ag
Compilation (provisional): g++ main.cpp Block.cpp Blockchain.cpp sha256.cpp -o geartron
- Create miner client separate from Blockchain
- Create server-client classes for P2P
The material that we referenced for this project includes the following.
- Basic blockchain example (partial derivation): https://github.com/teaandcode/TestChain
- SHA-256 Algorithm: https://github.com/QuantumMechanics/Kraken/blob/master/sha256.cpp
- This is a very useful reference for creating P2P structure: https://github.com/tko22/simple-blockchain
- We use this library for reading and writing to JSON files: https://github.com/nlohmann/json