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Check the latest versions of dependencies on npm gracefully, and do whatever you want.


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Check the latest versions of dependencies on npm gracefully, and do whatever you want.

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npm i npm-up -g


  • Much faseter than npm.
  • Do not depend on a local npm, much smaller.
  • Check the latest versions of dependencies either locally or gloablly, and update package.json.
    • dependencies
    • devDependencies
    • optionalDependencies
  • Install latest modules.
  • Reasonable warnings for inconsistency.
  • Use a mirror registy to speed up, especially for Chinese users.
  • Cache to speed up repeated operations.
  • Designed for OCD.


  1. Run npm-up [options] in a project directory with a package.json file. For example: npm-up -iw.
    If no options are configured, it will only check the latest version and do nothing but display.

  2. Run npm-up -g to check globally npm packages.

  3. Run npm-up -A to check all projects in sub directories.


clean   clean cache
dump    dump cache


-V, --version                       output the version number
-g, --global                        Check global packages
-A, --All                           Check all projects in sub directories, depth is 1
-w, --writeBack                     Write updated version back to package.json
-i, --install                       Install the latest version of the packages
-l, --lock                          Use specific versions in package.json, with no ranges. (except *)
--lock-all                          Lock, even for * version
-a, --all                           Shortcut for -wil
-m, --mirror <mirror host or name>  Use a mirror registry host
--no-cache                          Disable version cache
--no-warning                        Disable warning
-d, --dep                           Check dependencies only
-D, --dev                           Check devDependencies only
-O, --optional                      Check optionalDependencies only
-c, --cwd <cwd>                     Set current working directory
-L, --logLevel <level>              Set loglevel for npm, default is error
-t, --tag <tag>                     Dist-tag used as the version to be updated
-e, --exclude <list>                Excluded packages list, split by comma or space
-o, --only <list>                   Included packages list, split by comma or space
-p --exclude-locked                 Exclude all locked packages
-h, --help                          output usage information

Use a mirror registry

First of all, You can use something like

npm config set registry

to set a npm registry globally to speed up npm's requests, such as version searching and package downloading, especially for Chinese users.

However, it may cause some trouble (you can't publish unless using -reg every time, because a mirror is usually read-only).

In npm-up

  • You can use a built-in host with name:
npm-up -m taobao  # also suport cnpmjs, npm (official)
  • or give a specific hostname
npm-up -m
npm-up -m # http:// is optional

For Chinese users, use -m taobao to fly up!

Version Patterns

Fully support semantic versions and tags. Eg:

>= 4.4.5
''     //regard as *
latest // dist-tag

Notice that a ranges version may be overridden by Caret Ranges(^) when written back, and will be updated only when the latest version is greater than all the versions possible in the range.

>= 1.0.0 <= 1.5.4   // Version Range
1.2 - 2.3.4         // Hyphen Ranges
1.x                 // X-Ranges
  • [OCD design] However, the semantic meaning of the ranges may somehow be ignored, because I just want the latest version.
  • If the version declared in the package.json is not recognizable, the corresponding package will be excluded.
  • More info about version: semver


  1. Take 3 versions about one package into consideration:

    • Version declared in package.json.
    • Version of the package installed.
    • The latest version of the package.
  2. If a package is not installed, only package.json will be updated, and the package itself won't be installed.

  3. If the version declared is *, it will not be overwritten, even when the flag --lock is set. If you really want to change it, use --lock-all flag.

  4. The prefix, such as ^ ~ > <, of the version will be preserved when written back, unless flag --lock is set.

  5. If an installed package's version is different from the version declared, there comes a warning.

  6. Installed version is preferred.


  1. Use a config file to provide some persist options, like npmrc, we can have a real npmuprc.


MIT@Jingchen Zhao


Check the latest versions of dependencies on npm gracefully, and do whatever you want.








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