MLPDFReaderSDK is the miLibris reading SDK (previously called MLReader). It includes the MLFoundation library allowing to unpack miLibris contents.
MLPDFReaderSDK requires iOS 11 or later, Xcode 12 or later. The SDK is provided as a dynamic XCFramework or a dynamic framework.
Every app using the SDK must be configured with a licence key provided by miLibris. A licence key cannot be used in more than one application.
In your Xcode project, open your main target Info.plist
Add a new key named MLPDFReaderSDKLicenceKey of type String.
In the value field, add the licence key provided by miLibris.
- Add the following line in your Podfile:
pod 'MLPDFReaderSDK', '~> 1.0'
- Run
pod install
- Add the following line in your Cartfile:
binary "" ~> 1.0
- To use the XCFramework (recommended, requires Carthage >= 0.38.0), run
carthage update --use-xcframeworks
- To use the framework, run
carthage update
In your Xcode project, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency...
In the URL field, paste and select Next
Select the update rule: "Up to next major" from the current version
Add the product "MLPDFReaderSDK" to your app target
Download and unzip the SDK:
Copy MLPDFReaderSDK.xcframework in your project direectory.
Add MLPDFReaderSDK.xcframework into your project's Embedded Content section in the project editor.
- Add your app's licence key to your project's Info.plist, as detailed in Prerequisites.
- If you are using CocoaPods to integrate the SDK:
- In your Podfile, replace
pod 'MLPDFReaderSDK', :path => 'MLPDFReaderSDK'
withpod 'MLPDFReaderSDK', '~> 1.0'
- Delete the directory MLPDFReaderSDK that you previously downloaded manually.
- Run
pod update
- In your Podfile, replace
- It is no longer necessary to retain the MLPDFReader instance. It is now retained by MLPDFRReaderViewController, which must be initialized with the reader.
- MLPDFReader initializer now throws instead of returning nil if an error occurs (for example, if the provided path does not contain a valid unpacked release).
- The signature of the delegate method used to close the reader view controller has changed in order to provide the view controller that should be dismissed.
- SDWebImage is no longer needed as a dependency.
- If your app uses Swift, you can remove MLPDFReaderSDK imports from your bridging header.
- In your source files, import the SDK with
import MLPDFReaderSDK
(Swift) or#import <MLPDFReaderSDK/MLPDFReaderSDK.h>
(ObjC). - If you previously integrated MLPDFReaderSDK manually, Delete the following files and remove them from your Xcode project:
- MLPDFReader.h
- MLPDFReaderBaseConfiguration.h
- MLPDFRArticleSharingPlugin.h
- MLPDFRSharingArticle.h
- MLFoundation.h
- MLFoundationBase.h
- MLFoundationBridge.h
- MLProductInfo.h
- MLProductSource.h
- libMLPDFReader.a
- libMLFoundation.a
- libSDWebImage.a (if present)
In order to read a content, your application will likely implement the following steps:
- Download a complete archive (with the *.complete extension) from the miLibris platform
- Unpack the archive using MLFoundation
- Launch MLPDFReader to read the unpacked contents
A complete archive can be easily unpacked with the MLFoundationBridge class:
import MLPDFReaderSDK
// ...
do {
try MLArchive.extract(archiveURL, inDirectory: releaseURL)
} catch {
print("Error when unpacking content: \(error)")
Once unpacked, you can open the content with MLPDFReader and a standard UIViewController instance to display:
do {
// Initialize the PDF Reader to open the context
let reader = try MLPDFReader(contentURL: URL(fileURLWithPath: releasePath), config: ReaderConfiguration(), delegate: self)
// Create a view controller and display it
let readerViewController = MLPDFRReaderViewController(pdfReader: reader)
self.present(readerViewController, animated: true)
} catch {
print("Error initializing reader: \(error)")
An MLPDFReaderDelegate instance must be provided in order to be able to close the reader controller once the user presses the back button. When doing so, the pdfReader:didFinishReading: method will be called. It is the responsibility of your delegate to close the reader view controller.
func pdfReader(_ pdfReader: MLPDFReader, didFinishReading readerViewController: MLPDFRReaderViewController) {
self.dismiss(animated: true)
If your miLibris content has articles, you can implement your own sharing solution by implementing the MLPDFRArticleSharingPlugin protocol. Two examples are provided in the sample project:
Share the web kiosk URL of an article. The user can use the social app of his/her choice. This feature must be enabled on the web kiosk. Contact miLibris support for more info.
Send the content of an article by email. This plugin only works if the user has an account configured in the default mail app.
A sample project is provided to help you implement the reader integration. It contains an example to unpack a complete archive and to open if with MLPDFReader. It also contains two sharing plugins.
- If you use CocoaPods, run
pod install
in the sample_cocoapods directory and then open MLPDFReaderSDKSample.xcworkspace. - If you use Carthage, run
carthage update
in the sample_carthage directory and then open MLPDFReaderSDKSample.xcodeproj. - If you use Swift Package Manager, open MLPDFReaderSDKSample.xcodeproj in the sample_swiftpackagemanager directory.
The client app can override the icons used by the SDK. To do so:
- In your main target Resources directory (or if you do not have one, your main target directory), create a directory named MLPDFReader.extend.bundle.
- Add this directory to your Xcode project. Make sure its target membership is set to your app target, and that it is recognized by Xcode as a resource bundle (its icon should be a white cube).
- Add your custom icons to this directory. You do not need to provide all icons. They should be named like the default icons used by the SDK and have the .png extension. Use @2x and @3x for higher resolution images.
- Build and run your project. For each icon, the SDK will check if it exists in your custom bundle, or fall back to the default icon.
The icons used by the SDK can be found in MLPDFReaderSDK.framework/MLPDFReader.bundle.
The client app can override the localized strings used by the SDK. To do so:
- In your main target in Xcode, create a new strings file named MLPDFReader.strings.
- Localize it in the languages supported by your application.
- Add any strings you want to override to this file.
The strings used by the SDK can be found in MLPDFReaderSDK.framework/MLPDFReader.bundle.