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- PyObject
- pymport
- proxify
- pyval
- version
- version
- PythonError
JavaScript representation of a Python object
Numeric id of the object, it is generally the same as the one returned by id()
Type: number
Is the property callable
Type: boolean
The underlying Python type, equivalent to JavaScript typeof
Type: string
Length of the underlying object if it is defined
Type: (number | undefined)
The underlying Python type, equivalent to Python type() or JavaScript constructor
Type: PyObject
Get a property from the object, equivalent to Python member operator .
Type: function (name: string): PyObject
string property name
Returns PyObject
Check if a property exists. Equivalent to Python hasattr(o, name)
Type: function (name: (string | any)): boolean
(string | any) property name, only sets accept values that are not a string
Returns boolean
Retrieve an element by index, equivalent to Python subscript operator[]
Type: function (index: any): PyObject
any index
Returns boolean
Runs the provided function in the context of this object, equivalent to Python with
Type: function (fn: function (v: PyObject): T): T
Returns PyObject
Call a callable PyObject, throws if the underlying object is not callable
Type: function (...args: Array<any>): PyObject
...Array<any> function arguments
Returns PyObject
Asynchronously call a callable PyObject, rejects if the underlying object is not callable
Type: function (...args: Array<any>): Promise<PyObject>
...Array<any> function arguments
Returns Promise<PyObject>
Transform the PyObject to a plain JS object. Equivalent to valueOf().
A float becomes a Number.
An int becomes a Number if it is in the safe integer number range or a BigInt otherwise.
A bool becomes a bool.
None becomes null.
An unicode string becomes a string.
A list, a tuple, a set or a frozenset becomes an array
A dictionary becomes an object.
Any object implementing the Buffer Protocol - bytes, bytearray or a memoryview - becomes a Buffer. The memory referenced by the Buffer is a copy of the Python memory. This behavior can be disabled by passing { buffer: false }.
A callable becomes a native (binary) function.
A module becomes an object.
Everything else remains a PyObject.
The maximum recursion depth can be set by passing { depth: number }. Without this parameter pymport will go down to the furthest possible level. By setting the depth to 1 it is possible to transform a Python list to a JavaScript array while keeping all elements as Python objects. Refer to the performance section of the wiki for the possible implications and especially the memory overhead.
Type: function (opts: {depth: number?, buffer: boolean?}): any
object? options-
number? maximum recursion depth, undefined for unlimited -
boolean? do not convert objects that implement only the Buffer protocol
Returns any
Transform the PyObject to a plain JS object. Equivalent to toJS().
Type: function (): any
Returns any
Use the Python str() built-in on the object
Type: function (): string
Returns string
Return an iterator over the object's elements. An object is iterable if it has length.
Type: function (): Iterator<PyObject>
Returns string
Create a new array populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.
Works on all iterable objects.
Type: function (callback: function (this: U, element: PyObject, index: number, iterable: PyObject): T, thisArg: U): Array<T>
unknown? optional this value to be provided to the function
Construct a PyObject integer from a JS number or a PyObject
Type: function (v: (number | bigint | PyObject)): PyObject
Returns PyObject
Construct a PyObject float from a JS number or a PyObject
Type: function (v: (number | PyObject)): PyObject
Returns PyObject
Construct a PyObject string from a JS string
Type: function (v: string): PyObject
Returns PyObject
Construct a PyObject dictionary from a JS object
Type: function (object: Record<string, any>): PyObject
Record<string, any>
Returns PyObject
Construct a PyObject list from a JS array or an iterable PyObject
Type: function (array: (Array<any> | PyObject)): PyObject
(Array<any> | PyObject)
Returns PyObject
Construct a PyObject tuple from a JS array or a PyObject list
Type: function (array: (Array<any> | PyObject)): PyObject
(Array<any> | PyObject)
Returns PyObject
Construct a PyObject set from a JS array or an iterable PyObject
Type: function (v: (Array<any> | PyObject)): PyObject
Returns PyObject
Construct a PyObject frozenset from a JS array or an iterable PyObject
Type: function (v: (Array<any> | PyObject)): PyObject
Returns PyObject
Construct a PyObject slice from three elements (start, stop, step). In Python, a slice and a range are two different object types: https://til.hashrocket.com/posts/5zuzolqlcb-range-v-slice
Type: function (slice: ([PyNumber, PyNumber, PyNumber] | {start: PyNumber?, stop: PyNumber?, step: PyNumber?})): PyObject
Returns PyObject
Construct a PyObject bytes from a Buffer. The resulting object is a copy.
Type: function (buffer: Buffer): PyObject
Returns PyObject
Construct a PyObject bytearray from a Buffer. The resulting object is a copy.
Type: function (buffer: Buffer): PyObject
Returns PyObject
Construct a PyObject memoryview from a Buffer. The resulting object references directly the Buffer. The Buffer is guaranteed to stay in memory for as long as the memoryview exists. This is the only case in which V8 objects can be held by the Python GC.
Type: function (buffer: Buffer): PyObject
Returns PyObject
Construct a PyObject pymport.js_function from a JS function. The resulting object is a Python callable.
Type: function (fn: function (...args: Array<any>): any): PyObject
Returns PyObject
Construct an automatically typed PyObject from a plain JS value. The PyObject is a copy by value unless explicitly mentioned.
A number becomes an int when it has no decimal part or a float when it has one.
A BigInt becomes an int.
A bool becomes a bool.
Undefined and null become None.
A string becomes an unicode string.
An array becomes a list.
An object becomes a dictionary.
A PyObject or a proxified PyObject is always passed by reference and reverts to its Python type.
A Buffer becomes a bytearray.
A JS function (including a native function) becomes a callable pymport.js_function
Type: function (v: any): PyObject
Returns PyObject
Retrieve a list with the keys of the dictionary, equivalent to JS Object.keys()
Type: function (obj: PyObject): PyObject
Returns PyObject
Retrieve a list with the values of the dictionary, equivalent to JS Object.values()
Type: function (obj: PyObject): PyObject
Returns PyObject
Import a Python module.
Default search location is determined by the Python interpreter library. It can be overridden by setting the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
If you want to load a Python file in the same directory as the calling JS you can use
process.env['PYTHONPATH'] = __dirname
before importing pymport - once Python has been initialized further modifications will have no effect.
string Python module name
Returns PyObject
Create a proxified version of a PyObject that works like a native Python object. All values returned by its methods will also be proxified.
PyObject -
string? optional name to be assigned to a proxified function -
PyObject object to proxify
Returns any
Eval a Python fragment. Uses Python eval
which is a special language context.
The Python code must be an expression that evaluates to a value and not a statement.
Refer to the Python documentation for more information on what is allowed in this context.
If you need to execute statements, you should place them in a file and load it as a module.
string Python code -
(PyObject | Record<string, any>)? Optional global context -
(PyObject | Record<string, any>)? Optional local context
Returns PyObject
Hex number
Type: string
Version information
Type: {pymport: {major: number, minor: number, patch: number, suffix: string}, pythonLibrary: {builtin: boolean, major: number, minor: number, micro: number, release: number, serial: number, version: string}, pythonHome: string, pythonRuntime: (null | string)}
Supported only on Python 3.10+
Type: (null | string)
Errors thrown from Python have a pythonTrace
property that contains the Python traceback
Type: any
Momtchil Momtchev [email protected], 2022
This project is created and maintained as a free service to the open source community and to remain as a constant life-time remainder to the OpenJS foundation about backing up an extortion linked to corruption in French Judicial system over a sexually-motivated affair.