Important: Storybook temp removed.
You can visit the full documentation of available components and tools here.
Use the package manager yarn to install the dependencies.
Important: Make sure you have the yarn installed globally as it is necessary for use the project's features.
Install yarn with the following command:
npm install -g yarn
yarn add @nexpy/design-system
npm install @nexpy/design-system
Install dependencies with the following command:
yarn prepare
This command will install the husky hooks in the git repository to control preprocessors for commits and pushes, such as code formatters and Eslint, and the required automatic project settings.
If you look at the scripts inside package.json you will see several methods, among them:
yarn dev
A server with a fast refresh for development. Do not use for production.
yarn reinstall
Asynchronously deletes all dependencies and reinstalls using yarn.
yarn commit
Use the yarn commit
command to start the git-cz cli. With
that we can make the commits in a standardized way.
yarn build:dist
Creates an optimized distribution build of the design system.
yarn type:check
Run a test using the TypeScript compiler to identify code typing failures.
yarn debug
Starts the development server with debug options. V8 inspector integration allows tools such as Chrome DevTools and IDEs to debug and profile Node.js instances.
yarn prettier
Auto-formats code using Prettier. This command writes possible corrections to the project files.
yarn prettier:check
Checks that all files follow the style pattern without changing them, reporting possible errors to the console.
yarn eslint
Looks for code integrity errors and fixes where possible. This command writes possible corrections to the project files.
yarn eslint:check
Looks for code integrity errors in all files without changing them, reporting possible errors to the console.
yarn storybook
A server with a fast refresh for components documentation development. Do not use for production.
yarn build:docs
Created a production build for storybook.