🚀An extended collection of resources about Gatsby
Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps. Visit for more info https://www.gatsbyjs.org
To get started with Gatsby, Checkout its Documentation at https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/
Full documentation for Gatsby lives on the website. Here are some places to start:
For most developers, we recommend starting with in-depth tutorial for creating a site with Gatsby. It starts with zero assumptions about your level of ability and walks through every step of the process.
To dive straight into code samples, head to documentation. In particular, check out the Guides, API Reference, and Advanced Tutorials sections in the sidebar.
Submit your own: https://github.com/ooloth/gatsbytutorials.com#how-do-i-add-a-tutorial
https://dev.to/search?q=gatsby Submit your own
https://dev.to/nevernull/an-awesome-list-of-wordpress-gatsby-resources-36nl https://github.com/henrikwirth/awesome-wordpress-gatsby https://github.com/makozi/Gatsby-Resources/blob/master/README.md
- Check out the official Gatsby Starters page for an updated list of starter kits!
- Check out the official Gatsby Plugins page for an updated list of super handy Gatsby plugins.
Building a Photo Site With GatsbyJS and the WordPress.com API
Gatsby + Apollo + GraphCool + Netlify: The Web’s Promised Land
- React.js Conf 2016 - Lightning Talks - Kyle Matthews
- Static Site Generation with Gatsby.js
- Developing with React and Gatsby.js
- GraphQL Summit Open Source Lightning Talk: Gatsby
- ReactJS E-Commerce With No Backend Using Snipcart & Gatsby
- Michael Cereda's multi-part series of blog posts on building his site with Gatsby
- Talk on GatsbyJS @ ViennaJS
- graphene-python.org (source)
- React-MDL (source)
- Yuppies (source)
- syncano.io (source)
- likescoffee.com (source)
- vii.campjs.com (source)
- michaeljdeeb.com (source)
- brittcrawford.com (source)
- Snapgit (source)
- iamdustan.com (source)
- React Hardware (source)
- peterp.me (source)
- k-create.com (source)
- kylegach.com (source)
- jazlal.li (source)
- React Headroom (source)
- Völlig Ohne (source)
- michaelcereda.com (source)
- openFDA (source)
- emilyaviva.com (source)
- React Gravatar (source)
- johnmorris.io (source)
- HalfAtheist (source)
- waigojs.com (source)
- ZBT MIT Website (source)
- ethereumclassic.org (source)
- numenta.com (source)
- Video streaming devops blog (source)
- oliverbenns.com (source)
- Kapadiya.net (source)
- anvilabs.co (source)
- Cardiogram
- Geographer (source)
- fuchs+wald (source)
- damianmullins.com (source)
- Spencer Dixon's Blog (source)
- LandlordAccountz.com
- Timo Becker (source)
- Sacha Greif (source)
- Crypto Christmas (source)
- Scaphold.io Community (source)
- Green Navigation wiki (source)
- Reactiflux (source)
- 2016 JavaScript Rising Stars (source)
- Daniel Reszka blog, code & gallery (source)
- meadowlab.io
- xpchbill.github.io (source)
- Coriolan UI - sass mixins pack (source)
- 5 minutes of React podcast - in Russian (source)
- 5 minutes of React podcast - in English (source)
- @hsribei's log (source)
- Megan Keesee (source)
- storybooks.js.org (source)
- effulgence.io (source)
Found an awesome video, talk, tutorial,or site built with Gatsby etc that's not on this list?. Notify me or send a PR.
- Please make an individual pull request for each suggestion
- Make sure what you are adding is not already on the list
- Use the following format: * Name
- Add it to the bottom of the section, not top or middle
- Check your spelling and grammar
- Make sure there is no trailing whitespace
- If you are adding resources for a new language or framework, make sure it has a reference in the Table of Contents.
- Last, Make sure it is awesome!
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Its a collection, I have taken many from Marizu-Ibewiro Makozi