Version 1.17.0
- Libs/Rust: [Important] Fix a bug in the webhook signature verification method where certain signatures could bypass the verification.
- Libs/Java: [Breaking] Use Java time instead of threetenbp. This removes the need to import threetenbp to use the library. Depending on how the lib is used, it might require migrating uses of threetenbp to Java 8 Date-Time APIs.
What's Changed
- Update OpenAPI spec and regenerate libs by @svix-lucho in #1181
- libs: Use Java time instead of threetenbp by @svix-gabriel in #1169
- server: Don't unify features of host and target dependencies by @svix-jplatte in #1182
- Upgrade hyper to 0.14.28 by @svix-jplatte in #1183
- server: Some redis queue refactorings by @svix-jplatte in #1185
- Upgrade / remove dependencies by @svix-jplatte in #1189
- Rust verification library: fix comparison of different length signatures by @tasn in #1190
- Bump version to 1.17.0 and update changelog by @svix-lucho in #1187
New Contributors
- @svix-jplatte made their first contribution in #1182
Full Changelog: v1.16.0...v1.17.0