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1465 lines (1209 loc) · 38.8 KB
Name Status Features Purpose
Core Proposal Stage 0 Infix pipelines … |> …
Lexical topic #
Unary function/expression application
Additional Feature BC None Bare constructor calls … |> new … Tacit application of constructors
Additional Feature BA None Bare awaited calls … |> await … Tacit application of async functions
Additional Feature BP None Block pipeline steps … |> {…} Application of statement blocks
Additional Feature PF None Pipeline functions +> Partial function/expression application
Function/expression composition
Method extraction
Additional Feature TS None Pipeline try statements Tacit application to caught errors
Additional Feature NP None N-ary pipelines (…, …) |> …
Lexical topics ##, ###, and ...
N-ary function/expression application

Additional Feature NP

ECMAScript No-Stage Proposal. Living Document. J. S. Choi, 2018-12.

This document is not yet intended to be officially proposed to TC39 yet; it merely shows a possible extension of the Core Proposal in the event that the Core Proposal is accepted.

An Additional Feature – n-ary pipelines – would enable the passing of multiple arguments into a pipeline’s steps. (a, b) |> f is equivalent to f(a, b), and a |> (f(#), g(#)) |> h is equivalent to h(f(a), g(a)).

For topic style, Additional Feature NP introduces multiple lexical topics: not only the primary topic reference #, but also secondary ##, tertiary ###, and rest ... topic references. It also enables both n-ary application and n-ary partial application. This is somewhat akin to Clojure’s compact anonymous functions, which use % aka %1, then %2, %3, … for its parameters within the compact functions’ bodies.

When combined with Additional Feature PF, Additional Feature NP would complete the subsumption of partial function application, addressing all its use cases, including using partial application to create new binary, trinary, and variadic functions.

This explainer limits this Additional Feature to three topic references plus a rest topic reference. This limit could theoretically be lifted, but readability would rapidly suffer with five, six, seven different topics at once. Arrow functions could always be used instead for such many-parameter functions.
The precise appearances of the secondary, tertiary, and rest topic references do not have to be ##, ###, and .... For instance, they could instead be #1, #2, and #...; this is yet to be bikeshedded.

Additional Feature NP is formally specified in in the draft specification.

With smart pipelines Status quo
(a, b) |> f;

A pipeline step using commas would be interpreted as an argument list. The arguments would then be applied to the next pipeline step as its inputs.

f(a, b);
(a, b, ...c, d) |> f |> g;

Spread elements are permitted within pipeline steps, with the same meaning as in regular argument lists.

g(f(a, b, ...c, d));
...a |> f |> g;

When a pipeline step only consists of one item, its parentheses may be omitted, which is the usual syntax from the Core Proposal. But this now goes for spread elements too.

(a, b) |> f(#, x, ##) |> g;

When a pipeline step is in topic style, the first element in the argument list is bound to the primary topic reference #, the second element is bound to the secondary topic reference ##, and the third element is bound to the tertiary topic reference ###. These are resolvable as usual within the pipeline step.

g(f(a, x, b));
...a |> f(x, ...) |> g;

A pipeline step also may bind a list of values to a rest topic reference ... within the next pipeline step. The list contains the arguments of the pipeline step that were not bound to any other topic reference. ... automatically flattens, acting as a spread operator, and it is valid only where spread operators are already valid (such as argument lists, array literals, and object literals).

g(f(x, ...a));
a |> f(#, x, ...) |> g;
  const [$, ...$r] = a;
  f($, x, ...$r);
(a, b, ...c, d) |> f(#, x, ...) |> g;
g(f(a, x, ...[b, ...c, d]));
...a |> f;
...a |> f(...); // Equivalent

Bare-style pipeline heads are now equivalent to spreading the rest topic reference into the function’s arguments.

x + 1 |> (f(#), g(#)) |> h;
x + 1 |> (f(#), g(#)) |> h(...); // Equivalent

A topic-style pipeline step can be n-ary itself. By taking the form of an argument list, the step (f(#), g(#)) passes multiple values into the following step h. Each element of the argument list is itself an expression that may use any of the topic references #, ##, ###, or ... that were bound by its own input (in the case of x + 1, only # and ... are bound).

  const $0 = x + 1;
  const $1 = f($0);
  const $$1 = g($0);
  h($1, $$1);
(x + 1, y + 1) |> (f(#), g(#, ##)) |> h;
  const [$0, $$0] = [x + 1, y + 1];
  const [$1, $$1] = [f($0), g($0, $$0)];
  h($1, $$1);
...array |> (f(#), g(#, ##)) |> h;
array |> ... |> (f(#), g(#, ##)) |> h; // Equivalent

In the second (equivalent) line, the ... (topic-style) step spreads the values of array into the step’s topic values. Those topic values are in turn inputted into the next step (f(#), g(#, ##)). Before that next step is evaluated, the first topic value (which is the first value of array) is bound to #, and the second topic value (which is the second value of array) is bound to ##. The result of (f(#), g(#, ##)) in turn is inputted into h.

  const [$, $$] = [...array];
  h(f($) + g($, $$));
a |> f
(a) |> f
(a, b) |> f
f(a, b)
(...a) |> f
...a |> f
(a, b) |> # + ##
a + b
() |> # + ##
// 🚫 Syntax Error: Pipeline
// head inputs 0 topic values
// `()` into following step that
// expects 1 topic value.
(a, b) |> f(#, 0, ##)
f(a, 0, b)
(a, b) |> f(0, ##)
f(0, b)
(a, b, c, d) |> f(#, 0, ...)
f(a, 0, b, c, d)
(a, b, c, d) |> f(##, 0, ...)
f(b, 0, c, d)
(a, b, c, d) |> f(##, 0, [...])
f(b, 0, [c, d])
(a, ...[b, c, d]) |> f(##, 0, [...])
f(b, 0, [c, d])
(a, b) |> (# * b, ##) |> f
g(a * b, f(b))
(a, b) |> (## * b, ##) |> f
g(b * b, f(b))
(a, b) |> (# * b, #) |> f
// 🚫 Syntax Error: Pipeline
// head inputs 2 topic values
// `(a, b)` into following step that
// expects 1 topic value.
(a, b) |> (# * b, f) |> f
// 🚫 Syntax Error:
// Topic-style pipeline step
// `f` in `(# * b, f)` binds
// topic but contains no topic
// reference.
(a, b) |> #
// 🚫 Syntax Error: Pipeline
// head inputs 2 topic values
// `(a, b)` into following step that
// expects 1 topic value.
a |> # + ##
// 🚫 Syntax Error: Pipeline
// head inputs 1 topic value
// `a` into following step that
// expects 2 topic values.
() |> # + 1
// 🚫 Syntax Error: Pipeline
// head inputs 0 topic values
// `()` into following step that
// expects 1 topic value.
(a, b) |> f(#, 0)
// 🚫 Syntax Error: Pipeline
// head inputs 2 topic values
// `(a, b)` into following step that
// expects 1 topic value.
(a, b) |> (#, ##)
// 🚫 Syntax Error: Pipeline
// terminates with a 2-ary
// pipeline step but pipelines
// must terminate with a unary
// pipeline step.
(a, b, c, d, e) |> f(##, x, ...) |> g;

The rest topic reference ... starts from beyond the furthest topic reference that is used within the pipeline step. Here, the furthest topic reference is the secondary topic reference ##: the second argument item. So [c, d, e] is bound to the rest topic reference. The rest topic reference ... may only be used where the spread operator ...expression would also be valid (that is, argument lists, array literals, and object literals), and it automatically spreads its elements into whatever expression surrounds it.

  const [$, $$, $$$, ...$r]
    = [a, b, c, d, e];
  g(f(a, $$, x, ...$r));
(a, b, c, ...d, e) |> f(#, ###, x, ...) |> g;

Here, the furthest topic reference is the tertiary topic reference ###: the third argument item. So only the rest topic reference ... contains d’s spread elements as well as e. The second argument, b, is skipped entirely, because ## is not used at all in the pipeline step.

  const $r = [...d, e];
  g(f(a, $$$, x, ...$r));
(a, ...b, c, ...d, e)
|> f(#, ##, ###, x, ...)
|> g;
  const [$$, $$$, ...$r] =
    [...b, c, ...d, e];
  g(f(a, $$, $$$, x, ...$r));
(a, ...b, c, ...d, e)
|> f(#, ##, x, ...)
|> g;
  const [$$, ...$r] =
    [...b, c, ...d, e];
  g(f(a, $$, x, ...$r));
(a, b) |> # - ## |> g;
g(a - b);

N-ary pipeline steps may be chained by using comma expressions, forming a list-style pipeline step.

(a, b) |> (f, g) |> h;

The results of the list will be applied to the following pipeline step as its inputs.

h(f(a), g(b));

The elements in an N-ary pipeline step must be in topic style (like the # ** c + # here).

(a, b)
|> (f(#), # ** c + ##)
|> # - ##;

It would be the usual early Syntax Error if f(#) was instead just f, because it would be a topic-style pipeline step without a topic reference. (f(##) and f(...) would not be a Syntax Error, of course. But f(###) would also be a Syntax Error, because it has only two inputs from the step before it.)

f(a) - (a ** c + b);
(a, b)
|> (f(#), g(##))
|> h
|> (i(#), # + 1, k(###))
|> l;
  const $ = h(f(a), g(b));
  l(i($), $ + 1, k($));
(a, b)
|> (f(#), g(##))
|> (h, i);
// 🚫 Syntax Error:
// Pipeline terminates with a
// 2-ary pipeline step but
// pipelines must terminate
// with a unary pipeline step.

It is an early error for a pipeline to end with an n-ary pipeline step, where n > 1. Such a comma expression would almost certainly be an accidental mistake by the developer.

|> (f, g)
|> (x, y) => # * x + ## * y
|> settimeout
// 🚫 Syntax Error:
// Unexpected token `=>`.
// Cannot parse base expression.

Because arrow functions have looser precedence than the pipe operator |>, it is never ambiguous with the parenthesized-list syntax for N-ary pipelines. The above invalid code is being interpreted as if it were the below:

(value |> (f, g) |> (x, y)) =>
  (# * 5 |> settimeout);
// 🚫 Syntax Error:
// Unexpected token `=>`.
// Cannot parse base expression.

The arrow function must be parenthesized, simply as with any other looser-precedence expression:

|> (f, g)
|> ((x, y) => # * x + ## * y)
|> settimeout;
|> ...createRange
|> [#, ###, ...];
  const [$, , $$$, ...$r] =
  [$, $$$, $r];
input |> f |> [0, 1, 2, ...#] |> g;
input |> f |> ...# |> [0, 1, 2, ...] |> g;

This is an adapted example from the Core Proposal section above. It is equivalent to the original example; it is shown only for illustrative purposes.

g([0, 1, 2, ...f(input)]);
  const [...$r] = f(input);
  g([0, 1, 2, ...$r]);

All these code blocks are equivalent.

|> (f, ...g, h)
|> [...].length;

As a result of the rules, … |> [...] collects its input’s n-ary arguments into a single flattened list, to which the rest topic reference ... is then bound, then spread into an array literal.

[f(x), ...g(x), h(x)].length;
[ { x: 22 }, { x: 42 } ]
  .map(+> #.x)
  .reduce(+> # - ##, 0);
[ { x: 22 }, { x: 42 } ]
  .map(el => el.x)
  .reduce((_0, _1) => _0 - _1, 0);
array.sort(+> # - ##);

Additional Feature NP, when coupled with Additional Feature PF, would enable very terse callback functions.

array.sort((_0, _1) => _0 - _1);
[ { x: 22 }, { x: 42 } ]
  .map(+> #.x)
  .reduce(+> # - ##, 0);
[ { x: 22 }, { x: 42 } ]
  .map(el => el.x)
  .reduce((_0, _1) => _0 - _1, 0);
const f = (x, y, z) => [x, y, z];
const g = +> f(#, 4, ##);
g(1, 2); // [1, 4, 2]

Additional Feature NP, when coupled with Additional Feature PF, would also solve partial application into n-ary functions. (Additional Feature PF would only address partial application into unary functions.)

const f = (x, y, z) => [x, y, z];
const g = f(?, 4, ?);
g(1, 2); // [1, 4, 2]

The current proposal for partial function application assumes that each use of the same ? placeholder token represents a different parameter. In contrast, each use of # within the same scope always refers to the same value. This is why additional topic parameters are required.

The resulting model is more flexible: with Additional Feature NP with Additional Feature PF, +> f(#, 4, ##) is different from +> f(#, 4, #). The former refers to a binary function: a function with two parameters, essentially (x, y) => f(x, 4, y). The latter refers to a unary function that passes the same one argument into both the first and third parameters of the original function f: x => f(x, 4, x). The same symbol refers to the same value in the same lexical environment.

const maxGreaterThanZero =
  +> Math.max(0, ...);
maxGreaterThanZero(1, 2); // 2
maxGreaterThanZero(-1, -2); // 0

Partial application into a variadic function is also naturally handled by Additional Feature NP with Additional Feature PF.

const maxGreaterThanZero =
  Math.max(0, ...);
maxGreaterThanZero(1, 2); // 2
maxGreaterThanZero(-1, -2); // 0

In this case, the topic function version looks once again nearly identical to the other proposal’s code.

Additional Feature NP would explain bare style in Additional Feature PF+> Pipeline” as equivalent to a function with a variadic pipeline “(...$rest) => ...$rest |> Pipeline”.

+> g |> f |> # + 1;
(...$rest) => ...$rest |> g |> f |> # + 1;

These two lines of code are equivalent. The first is taken from an example in the Additional Feature PF section above.

(...$rest) =>
  f([...$].length) + 1;
+> [...].length |> f |> # + 1;
(...$rest) =>
  ...$rest |> [...].length |> f |> # + 1;

These two lines of code are also equivalent.

(...$rest) => f([...$].length) + 1;

Lodash (Core Proposal + Additional Features BP+PP+PF+NP)

With smart pipelines Status quo
function createRound (methodName) {
  var func = Math[methodName];
  return function (number, precision) {
    number = number |> toNumber;
    precision = precision |> {
      if (# == null)
      else #
      |> toInteger
      |> nativeMin(#, 292);
    return number |> {
      if (precision) #
      // Shift with
      // exponential notation
      // to avoid
      // floating-point
      // issues. See
      |> `${#}e`
      |> ...#.split('e')
      |> `${#}e${+## + precision}`
      |> func
      |> `${#}e`
      |> ...#.split('e')
      |> `${#}e${+## - precision}`
      |> +#;
      else #
      |> func;

The parallelism between the if clause’s |> shift |> func |> shiftBack and the else clause’s |> func becomes visually clearer with smart pipelines.

function createRound (methodName) {
  var func = Math[methodName];
  return function (number, precision) {
    number = toNumber(number)
    precision = precision == null
      ? 0
      : nativeMin(
        toInteger(precision), 292)
    if (precision) {
      // Shift with
      // exponential notation
      // to avoid
      // floating-point
      // issues. See
      var pair =
          (toString(number) + 'e')
          value = func(
            pair[0] + 'e' + (
              +pair[1] + precision));

      pair = (toString(value) + 'e')
      return +(
        pair[0] + 'e' + (
          +pair[1] - precision));
    return func(number);

Ramda (Core Proposal + Additional Features BP+PF+NP)

Many examples above using Ramda benefited from pipeline functions with Additional Feature PF. Even more use cases are covered by pipeline functions when Additional Feature NP syntax is supported.

With smart pipelines Status quo
const cssQuery = +> ##.querySelectorAll(#);
const setStyle = +> { = # };
|> cssQuery('a, p', #)
|>> setStyle({ color: 'red' }));
const cssQuery = R.invoker(1,
const setStyle = R.assoc('style');
  cssQuery('a, p'),{ color: 'red' }))
const disco = +>
|> R.zipWith(+> #(##),
    [ red, green, blue ])
|> #.join(' ');
[ 'foo', 'bar', 'xyz' ]
|> disco
|> console.log;
const disco = R.pipe(
    [ red, green, blue ]),
  R.join(' '));
  disco([ 'foo', 'bar', 'xyz' ]));
const dotPath = +>
|> (#.split('.'), ##)
|> R.path(#, ##);
const propsDotPath = +>
|> (, [##])
|> R.ap;
const obj = {
  a: { b: { c: 1 } },
  x: 2
propsDotPath(['a.b.c', 'x'], obj);
// [ 1, 2 ]
const dotPath = R.useWith(
const propsDotPath = R.useWith(
  [, R.of]);
const obj = {
  a: { b: { c: 1 } },
  x: 2
propsDotPath(['a.b.c', 'x'], obj);
// [ 1, 2 ]

WHATWG Streams Standard (Core Proposal + Additional Features BP+PP+PF+NP)

Many examples above using WHATWG Streams benefited from pipeline functions with Additional Features CP + PF. Even more use cases are covered by pipeline functions with Additional Feature NP.

With smart pipelines Status quo
try {
  |> await #.pipeTo(writableStream);

  |> console.log;
|> ("Error", #)
|> console.error;

This example also uses Additional Feature TS for terse catch clauses.

  .then(() => console.log("Success"))
  .catch(e => console.error("Error", e));
const reader = readableStream
  .getReader({ mode: "byob" });

try {
  new ArrayBuffer(1024)
  |> await readInto
  |> ("The first 1024 bytes:", #)
  |> console.log;
|> ("Something went wrong!", #)
|> console.error;

async function readInto(buffer, offset = 0) {
  return buffer |> {
    if (#.byteLength === offset)
    else #
    |> (#, offset, #.byteLength - offset)
    |> new Uint8Array
    |> await
    |> (#.buffer, #.byteLength + offset)
    |> readInto;

This example also uses Additional Feature TS for terse catch clauses, Additional Feature BC for a terse constructor call on Uint8Array, and Additional Feature BA for a terse async function call on readInto.

const reader = readableStream
  .getReader({ mode: "byob" });

let startingAB = new ArrayBuffer(1024);
  .then(buffer =>
    console.log("The first 1024 bytes:", buffer))
  .catch(e =>
    console.error("Something went wrong!", e));

function readInto(buffer, offset = 0) {
  if (offset === buffer.byteLength) {
    return Promise.resolve(buffer);
  const view = new Uint8Array(
    buffer, offset, buffer.byteLength - offset)
  return => {
    return readInto(newView.buffer,
      offset + newView.byteLength);