The following repo is a library of scripts to help push, report and identify remote machines with the aim to add the machines to a Horizon Manual pool for remote access.
This script has been primarily written for Windows 10 endpoint targets and requires Powershell Remoting (invoke-command) in order to perform the queries.
This script can do all or some of the required tasks, depending on what you need.
This script will do the following:
1: Copy the agent file you specify to the admin$ share on the remote machine.
2: Install the Agent using powershell remoting in manual machine mode.
3: Set the power policy to maximum performance
4: Determine the primary user of the machine, as the user whom has logged in most frequently.
5: Determine the operating system, version and edition.
6: return all of these details (along with the exit code & version of the installed agent).
the following variables are required in order to use the script for deployment, the names are self explanatory and please change them before attempting to use the tool:
$filePath = "C:\Users\andy\source\repos\horizonpush\VMware-Horizon-Agent-x86_64-7.11.0-15238678.exe"
$PowerShellRemotingCreds = get-credential -UserName "lab\administrator" -Message "Enter psremoting credentials"
The following lines of the script will push the agent and perform the install, passing the results back into an object you can enumerate later. The $computers array, can be retrieved from any source you like, such as an AD query, this array will be used to deploy the agent to the listed machines:
$results =@()
foreach($computer in $computers){
$copyResult = copy-HorizonAgentFile -filepath $filePath -machineName $computer -Verbose
$results += install-HorizonAgent -filepath $filePath -machineName $computer -credentials $PowerShellRemotingCreds -ConnectionServerName $ConnectionServerName -ConnectionServerUserName $ConnectionServerUserName -ConnectionServerPassword $ConnectionServerPassword -Verbose
Write-Warning "failed to copy file to $computer"
Upon completion, you can review the $results object, it will appear similar to below:
InstallResult : True
release : 1903
FailureReason :
OperatingSystem : Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
ReturnCode : 3010
edition : Enterprise
VersionInstalled : 7.11.0
PrimaryUser : M10D1\Administrator
PSComputerName : m10d1
In the above example, the deployment was successful, the primary user is m10d1\Administrator and the machine requires a restart (3010 exit code).
From here, you could export the results to a CSV file named machines.csv, to be used in Chris Halsteads utility as follows:
$results | ? {$_.installresult} | select pscomputername, primaryuser | export-csv -NoTypeInformation machines.csv
If you simply want to get the primary user, using the $computers array above, you can use the following snippet in the script:
foreach($computer in $computers){
$remoteUser = Get-ComputerPrimaryUser -machineName $computer -credentials $PowerShellRemotingCreds
$remoteUsersResults += $remoteUser
this returns:
primaryuser PSComputerName RunspaceId
----------- -------------- ----------
M10D1\Administrator m10d1 ce72d988-cf08-4fcf-b294-3c3e43ca3ad6
If you simply want to set the power policy, using the $computers array above, you can use the following snippet in the script:
$powerplanResults =@()
foreach($computer in $computers){
$powerplan = Set-ComputerPowerPolicy -machineName $computer -credentials $PowerShellRemotingCreds
$powerplanResults += $powerplan
this returns:
OldPlan : Ultimate Performance
NewPlan : Ultimate Performance
PSComputerName : m10d1
RunspaceId : ca19cfb5-a1b3-4df9-989b-b98fa6d4711d
If you simply want to get the operating system details, using the $computers array above, you can use the following snippet in the script:
$osResults =@()
foreach($computer in $computers){
$detail = Get-ComputerDetails -machineName $computer -credentials $PowerShellRemotingCreds
$osResults += $detail
This Returns:
edition : Enterprise
release : 1903
OperatingSystem : Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
PSComputerName : m10d1
RunspaceId : 2e924fe8-a7b6-4547-ba66-19cbb09619c7