my own spin on a minimal vue project starter based on mutoe's vue3-realworld-example-app
```shell script
pnpm install
# Development
pnpm dev
# Build dist
pnpm build
# Run unit tests
pnpm test:unit
pnpm test:unit:ci
# Run E2E tests
pnpm test:e2e
pnpm test:e2e:ci
- Vite
- Composition API
- SFC <script setup> sugar
- Suspense (Experimental)
- Vue router
- Pinia for state management ( not configured yet )
- TypeScript and Vue tsc for static analysis
- swagger-typescript-api for auto generate interface from swagger
- ESLint and @mutoe/eslint-config for linting and styling (based on @anthony/eslint-config)
- Vitest for unit testing
- Testing Library for component testing
- Cypress for E2E testing
- GitHub Actions CI/CD